Wednesday, April 17, 2013

alien's...conspiracy or reality?

I wanna talk about about this radio interview I was listening to,and I wanna know what You the reader thinks about the story and subject. Please read with an openmind. Military Senior Editor, Gordon Duff of Veterans USA Today, former UN Diplomat,United States Marine Corp, Vietnam Combat Vet., Deputy Chairman of the board of International Company,Extensive banking,tech,securities. 43 year career of Intelligence Groups. He was talking about the threat from alien's that are stationed in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean against Americans and other Nations in 2012.( now I remember reading about this last year and it freaked me out) but before He got in to that discussion He proceeded with how He was put on the Readers Group Majestic 12 back in 1982, and how He received security clearence after 17-18 months. He had received documents from August 23,1977 Navel Intelligence 12 pages long that covered from 1947-1977. That we the US had 2 treaties (1) 1947 with president Truman (2) 1953 with president Eisenhower. The treaty in 1953 was a cohersive agreement against the US on behalf of a hostile Alien power that wished to be able to kidnapp a number of citizens from the United States,they had agreements with other Nations as well. The number extremely high,that the people weren't going to be abducted,probed,and returned. They were going to be detained and butchered. ( Remind You this is coming from an Intelligence Officer and these Are his words not mine) within different groups of Aliens there were ones that had interest of genetic bloodlines. This Group had interbred with humans,and wanted to check genetic developments. The other Group that we were talking about had interest in eating people. In 1953 250,000 people went missing! I'm gonna have to say the most scarriest part of all this is that this man Gordon Duff has some impressive credentials. What do You think? I have to say this does seem far fetched!

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